Firebase: Does serverless mean securityless?

Do you like quizzes or capture the flag (CTF) exercises? Imagine we want to build a platform for creating a capture the flag exercise! We need the platform to present a challenge. When users solve the challenge, they find a “flag”, which can be a secret word or a random string. They should then be able to submit the flag in our CTF platform and check if it is correct or not. 

Red flag
Capture the flag can be fun: looking for a hidden flag whether physically or on a computer

To do this, we need a web server to host the CTF website, and we need a database to store challenges. We also need some functionality to check if we have found the right flag. 

Firebase is a popular collection of serverless services from Google. It offers various easy to use solutions for quickly assembling applications for web or mobile, storing data, messaging, authentication, and so on. If you want to set up a basic web application with authentication and data storage without setting up backends, it is a good choice. Let’s create our CTF proof-of-concept on Firebase using Hosting + Firestore for data storage. Good for us, Google has created very readable documentation for how to add Firebase to web projects.

Firestore is a serverless NoSQL database solution that is part of Firebase. There are basically two ways of accessing the data in Firebase: 

  • Directly from the frontend. The data is protected by Firestore security rules
  • Via an admin SDK meant for use on a server. By default the SDK has full access to everything in Firestore

We don’t want to use a server, so we’ll work with the JavaScript SDK for the frontend. Here are the user stories we want to create: 

  • As an organizer I  want to create a CTF challenge in the platform and store it in Firebase so other users can find it and solve the challenge
  • As a player I want to view a challenge so that 
  • As a player I want to create a form to submit a flag to check that it is correct

We want to avoid using a server, and we are simply using the JavaScript SDK. Diagrams for the user stories are shown below.

User stories
User stories for a simple CTF app example

What about security?

Let’s think about how attackers could abuse the functionalities we are trying to create. 

Story 1: Create a challenge

For the first story, the primary concern is that nobody should be able to overwrite a challenge, including its flag. 

Each challenge gets a unique ID. That part is taken care of by Firestore automatically, so an existing challenge will not be overwritten by coincidence. But the ID is exposed in the frontend, and so is the project metadata. Could an attacker modify an existing record, for example its flag, by sending a “PUT” request to the Firestore REST API?

Let’s say we have decided a user must be authenticated to create a challenge, and implemented this by the following Firebase security rule

match /challenges/{challenges} {
      allow read, write: if request.auth != null;

Hacking the challenge: overwriting data

This says nothing about overwriting existing data. It also has no restriction on what data the logged in user has access to – you can both read and write to challenges, as long as you are authenticated. Here’s how we can overwrite data in Firestore using set.

Of course, we need to test that! We have created a simple example app. You need to log in (you can register an account if you want to), and go to this story description page:


This challenge has the title “Fog” and description “on the water”. We want to hack this as another user directly in the Chrome dev tools to change the title to “Smoke”. Let’s first register a new user, and log in. 

If we open devtools directly, we cannot find Firebase or similar objects in the console. That is because the implementation uses SDV v.9 with browser modules, making the JavaScript objects contained within the module. We therefore need to import the necessary modules ourselves. We’ll first open “view source” and copy the Firebase metadata. 

const firebaseConfig = {
            apiKey: "<key>",
            authDomain: "",
            projectId: "quizman-a9f1b",
            storageBucket: "",
            messagingSenderId: "<id>",
            appId: "<appId>",
            measurementId: "<msmtId>"

We’ll simply paste this into the console while on our target challenge page. Next we need to import Firebase to interact with the data using the SDK. We could use SDK v.8 that is namespaced, but we can stick to v.9 using dynamic imports (works in Chrome although not yet a standard): 

import('').then(m => firebase = m)


import('').then(m => firestore = m)

Now firestore and firebase are available in the console. 

First, we initalize the app with var app = firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig), and the database with var db  = firestore.getFirestore().  Next we pull information about the challenge we are looking at: 

var mydoc = firestore.doc(db, "challenges", "wnhnbjrFFV0O5Bp93mUV");
var docdata = await firestore.getDoc(mydoc);

This works well. Here’s the data returned: 

  • access: “open”
  • active: true
  • description: “on the water”
  • name: “Fog”
  • owner: “IEiW8lwwCpe5idCgmExLieYiLPq2”
  • score: 5
  • type: “ctf”

That is also as intended, as we want all users to be able to read about the challenges. But we can probably use setDoc as well as getDoc, right? Let’s try to hack the title back to “Smoke” instead of “Fog”. We use the following command in the console: 

var output = await firestore.setDoc(mydoc, {name: “Smoke”},{merge: true})

Note the option “merge: true”. Without this, setDoc would overwrite the entire document. Refreshing the page now yields the intended result for the hacker!


Improving the security rules

Obviously this is not good security for a very serious capture-the-flag app. Let’s fix it with better security rules! Our current rules allows anyone who is authenticated to read data, but also to write data. Write here is shorthand for create, update, and delete! That means that anyone who is logged in can also delete a challenge. Let’s make sure that only owner can modify documents. We keep the rule for reading to any logged in user, but change the rule for writing to the following:

Safe rule against malicious overwrite:

allow write: if request.auth != null && request.auth.uid ==;

This means that authenticated users UID must match the “owner” field in the challenge. 

Note that the documentation here shows a method that is not safe – these security rules can be bypassed by any authenticated user:

(Read 4 January 2022)

Using the following security rules will allow anyone to create, update and delete data because the field “author_id” can be edited in the request directly. The comparison should be done as shown above, against the existing data for update using<field_name>. 

service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    // Allow only authenticated content owners access
    match /some_collection/{document} {
      allow read, write: if request.auth != null && request.auth.uid ==
// Example from link quoted above

There is, however, a problem with the rule marked “SAFE AGAINST MALICIOUS UPDATES” too; it will deny creation of new challenges! We thus need to split the write condition into two new rules, one for create (for any authenticated user), and another one for update and delete operations. 

The final rules are thus: 

allow read, create: if request.auth != null;
allow update, delete: if request.auth != null && request.auth.uid ==;

Story 2: Read the data for a challenge

When reading data, the primary concern is to avoid that someone gets access to the flag, as that would make it possible for them to cheat in the challenge. Security rules apply to documents, not to fields in a document. This means that we cannot store a “secret” inside a document; access is an all or nothing decision. However, we can create a subcollection within a document, and apply separate rules to that subdocument. We have thus created a data structure like this: 

screenshot of firestore data structure

Security rules are hierarchical, so we need to apply rules to /challenges/{challenge}/private/{document}/ to control access to “private”. Here we want the rules to allow only “create” a document under “private” but not to change it, and also not to read it. The purpose of blocking reading of the “private” documents is to avoid cheating. 

But how can we then compare a player’s suggested flag with the stored one? We can’t in the frontend, and that is the point. We don’t want to expose the data in on the client side. 

Story 3: Serverless functions to the rescue

Because we don’t want to expose the flag from the private subcollection in the frontend, we need a different pattern here. We will use Firebase cloud functions to do that. This is similar to AWS’ lambda functions, just running on GCP/Firebase instead. For our Firestore security, the important aspect is that a cloud function running in the same Firebase project has full access to everything in Firestore, and the security rules do not apply to the admin SDK used in functions. By default a cloud function is assigned an IAM role that gives it this access level. For improved security one can change the roles so that you allow only the access needed for each cloud function (here: read data from Firestore). We haven’t done that here, but this would allow us to improve security even further. 

Serverless security engineering recap

Applications don’t magically secure themselves in the cloud, or by using serverless. With serverless computing, we are leaving all the infrastructure security to the cloud provider, but we still need to take care of our workload security. 

In this post we looked at access control for the database part of a simple serverless web application. The authorization is implemented using security rules. These rules can be made very detailed, but it is important to test them thoroughly. Misconfigured security rules can suddenly allow an attacker to bypass your intended control. 

Using Firebase, it is not obvious from the Firebase Console how to set up good application security monitoring and logging. Of course, that is equally important when using serverless as other types of infrastructure, both for detecting attacks, and for forensics after a successful breach. You can set up monitoring Google Cloud Monitoring for Firebase resources, including alerts for events you want to react to. 

As always: basic security principles still hold with serverless computing!

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